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Showing results 16 to 35 of 35
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Feb-2022007 用語集Archaeology Data Service; Digital Antiquity; 野口, 淳; のぐち, あつし; Noguchi, Atsushi; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter; 高田, 祐一; たかた, ゆういち; Takata, Yuichi
15-Mar-2022008 Ⅳ 資料 [7] 2021年度日英対訳集ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
15-Mar-2021008 Ⅱ事業報告 [7]全国の模範となる多言語化に向けて― 関西での文化財機構の取り組みについて ―ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022008 7 数字と単位Daniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022009 8 記号と句読点Daniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
15-Mar-2021010 Ⅳ資料 [9]奈良時代の律令制における中央官制の日英翻訳集ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter; Shaun, Ian Mackey
25-Feb-2022010 9 リストDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022011 10 展示室内における各種見出し・タイトルDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022012 付録:時代区分-西暦対応表Daniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022013 1 Normative ReferencesDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022014 2 RomanizationDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022015 3 Italicization and Capitalization of Non-English Terms and NamesDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022016 4 Names and TitlesDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022017 5 Literary WorksDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022018 6 Dates and TimesDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022019 7 Numbers and Units of MeasurementDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022020 8 Symbols and PunctuationDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022021 9 ListsDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022022 10 Exhibition and Object TitlesDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
25-Feb-2022023 Appendix : Established Time PeriodsDaniel, Borengasser; Rebekah, Harmon; Rachel, Lam; Mary, Lewine; Melissa, M. Rinne; Frank, Witkam; ヤナセ, ペーテル; やなせ, ぺーてる; Yanase, Peter
Showing results 16 to 35 of 35
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